We pride ourselves at Wepre in maintaining a high standard of dress and therefore, expect all our parents to support the wearing of our school uniform, which is as follows.
- pale blue shirts or blue polo shirts
- red jumpers/sweatshirts/cardigans
- grey trousers/skirts
- red/white summer dresses
- Sensible shoes, preferable black, not trainers please
The uniform is sold by a number of local establishments.
P.E. kit should be as follows:
- Indoors:
- black shorts
- white T-shirts
- Outdoors:
- tracksuit or joggers (or black shorts)
- a white T-shirt
- trainers
Nursery: Wellingtons required for outdoor play
School Bags: Our cloakroom areas have limited space and we would be most grateful if all our pupils used “small” bags to carry PE kits, lunch, books, etc.
BOOK BAGS – with school name and logo.
These are available from school office at £5.00 and are waterproof and useful for children to transport reading books/homework etc., to/from school.
Finally, please make sure that all articles of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name. This is very important.